
  • Get a New Crown in One Day at Our Apex Dentist Office!
    One of the best things about the world of dentistry is that it’s constantly changing. Safer, better dental technologies are constantly being developed to help improve the patient experience. One of the best innovations to come about in recent years is the CEREC in-office milling machine, which allows dentists to mill crowns, inlays, and other restorations in just one 90-minute appointment. Below is more information about our Apex same-day crown services.  What is a CEREC Machine? CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics. Some dentists might refer to it as a “Ceramic Restoration” machine. Whatever you want to call it, ...
  • Our Apex Dentist Explains the Treatment Process for a Dental Implant
    If you are missing a tooth, a dental implant is an excellent way to restore your smile and jaw alignment. No other form of tooth replacement so perfectly mimics the natural tooth structure, root and all, while leaving surrounding healthy teeth untouched. Below is some more information about our Apex dental implant treatments.   Step One: Post Insertion in the Jaw   After an initial consultation meeting to discuss your treatment plan and payment details, you will return again to our Apex dental office for the first part of your dental implant surgery: the insertion of a titanium post into your jawbone. This post ...
  • Tips on Creating a Plastic-Free Oral Care Routine, from Our Apex NC Dentist
    Plastic. It’s everywhere, in almost everything. It’s certainly in your bathroom, used to make oral care items like toothbrushes, dental floss, and toothpaste tubes. All of these items are essential for having a clean, healthy smile, and yet all of them, unfortunately, are non-recyclable.  The good news is that you don’t have to be part of the problem. More and more people are joining the zero-waste moving, striving to only use items that are biodegradable, compostable, and plastic-free. Below are some simple swaps you can make to ensure you have healthy teeth and a healthy planet.  Bamboo Toothbrushes  Each year, over one billion ...
  • The Worst Holiday Sweets For Your Teeth, According to Our Apex Dentist
    While most people are anticipating Santa’s midnight visit, we at Hansen Dentistry have our eye out for another silent visitor that comes this time of year: cavities. The influx in candy, cookies, chocolate, cake, and other holiday treats around this time boils down to one thing: more sugar, sugar, sugar! The bacteria in your mouth love sugar, and once they eat it, they turn it into acid. That acid then destroys your enamel, causing cavities and tooth decay. If you aren’t careful, you might have to start the new year with a trip to our Apex dentist office! In order ...
  • “What are Those Things?”: Common Dental Tools Used by Our Apex Dentists
    “What is that?” That’s a question we hear at our Apex dentist office quite often. And it’s understandable—having a dangerous-looking implement inserted into your mouth can be pretty scary, especially for people who have a dental phobia. If you are nervous about going to the dentist, knowing beforehand what the tools are and what they do can help calm your anxiety. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common tools our Apex dentist uses.  Mouth Mirror Probably the most recognizable dental instrument, the mouth mirror isn’t just used to look at your teeth; it’s also often used to retract the ...
  • Our Apex Dentist Explains why Xylitol is Good for Teeth, Bad for Dogs
    Now that Halloween’s in the rear-view mirror, you might be motivated to give your body a break from all that sugar by switching to low-calorie sweeteners. If so, xylitol is a great option, because it’s natural, tasty, and deadly to the bacteria on your teeth. In fact, xylitol is one of the few things that can truly kill cavity-causing bacteria, which is why dentists highly recommend it. However, it’s important to be aware that xylitol is also very dangerous to dogs, for reasons we will explain below. What is Xylitol? Xylitol is found naturally in fruit, vegetable fibers, hardwood trees, corncobs, ...
  • Causes & Treatments for Bad Breath, From Our Apex Family Dentist
    Almost everyone experiences bad breath once in a while. But for some people, bad breath is a chronic problem. Known in the medical field as “halitosis,” bad breath can be exacerbated by numerous factors, like inadequate oral hygiene, lack of saliva, or smoking. If you’re desperate to get rid of your bad breath for good, here are some factors that might be causing it. Bacteria & Periodontal Disease All bad breath is caused by bacteria which live on the teeth and tongue. Therefore, your first step at controlling bad breath is practicing good oral hygiene: Brushing the teeth and tongue, using ...
  • How Many Bacteria Are in My Mouth? Ask Our Apex NC Dentist
    Our teeth might sometimes seem like rocks or seashells; things which are dead and nonliving. However, our mouths are actually a vibrant ecosystem, populated with living things that play a vital role in our health. Here are some interesting facts about the microscopic creatures that live behind your lips from your local Apex family dentist. The Oral Microbiome Scientists have a fancy name for your mouth’s ecosystem – they call it the “human oral microbiome.” A big part of this microbiome is bacteria. A single mouth can be home to more than 6 billion bacteria, an impressive number when you consider that ...
  • Learn the Parts of the Teeth from Our Apex NC Family Dentist!
    While the mouth is just a small part of our overall anatomy, it’s responsible for some of the most important things we do—eating, drinking, speaking, and making facial expressions! In today’s blog, our family dentist in Apex explains the different parts of the teeth, including the enamel, dentin, pulp, and miscellaneous tissues. Enamel The outer covering of the tooth, enamel is the strongest, hardest, and most highly-mineralized substance in your body. Enamel is also the most visible part of teeth, a semi-translucent material that ranges in color from light yellow to grayish-white. Enamel does not contain any living cells, and cannot regenerate ...
  • What are Veneers? Ask Our Apex Cosmetic Dentist
    If your teeth are cracked, gapped, chipped, or stained, veneers are an excellent non-invasive dental procedure to consider. Veneers are simply a thin shield of synthetic material, either composite resin or porcelain, that are bonded to the front of the teeth, recreate the natural look of enamel. Below is some more information about veneers from our Apex general dentist office! What Can Veneers Correct? Veneers are able to correct discoloration, fractures, gaps, chips, and stains in teeth. They are also able to close small gaps and correct small misalignments. Veneers can accurately change the color, size, and strength of a tooth ...
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