
  • Understand Why Our Apex NC Cosmetic Dentist LOVES Dental Implants
    Cosmetic dentists prefer to use dental implants for their patients because of the benefits that these appliances can have. A dental implant is a small titanium rod that is put into the jaw bone, acting like a real tooth root. The titanium rod of dental implants actually bond with the jaw bone over the course of about three months. This ensures that the rod is completely secure and can hold a crown, or cap, on top of it once the procedure has been completed and healed. The reason your dentist in Apex prefers dental implants is because they are a lot ...
  • Apex Cosmetic Dentist Shares Expectations for Dental Implants Appointment
    Proven Dental Implant Process Technological advances in treatments and tools used by cosmetic dentists in Apex, NC have improved both the process and the outcome of today’s dental procedures. The focus on minimizing discomfort has derived the tools and devices responsible for reducing the amount of time needed for far superior results. Many of the most complex procedures, such as dental implant surgery, have been reduced to a process so simplified even the recovery time puts past experiences into distant memory. There is no need for apprehension with modern dental implants. Made from commercially pure titanium or titanium alloys designed to fuse naturally to ...
  • What Forensic Investigators Can Learn From Teeth! | Apex Dentist
    If you watch a lot of crime shows like CSI: Miami, you may already know that teeth are often the only body parts that can survive severe types of destruction, like burning. Because of this, forensic scientists often have only teeth to work with when it comes to identifying a victim of a crime or natural/manmade disaster. In today’s post, our Apex dentist explains some of the things forensics investigators (and anthropologists!) can determine by examining dental fragments. Age at the Time of Death Teeth can help indicate how old an unknown victim was when he or she died. This is especially ...
  • Our Apex Dentist Shares Tips on Preparing for Oral Surgery
    At some point, most people will need to undergo standard oral surgery, like wisdom teeth removal. The more you know and prepare for the oral surgery, the less anxiety you will experience, and the better you will be able to recover. Below are some tips to follow when preparing for oral surgery in Apex NC. Talk to Your Dentist Your dentist will usually be happy to answer any questions you might have about the upcoming procedure. Common questions you might want to ask include: How many teeth will you remove? Will you use general or local anesthesia? How long will the oral surgery take? How ...
  • Tips for Relieving Dry Mouth, from Our Apex Family Dentist
    Occasionally, a patient will visit our office expecting to have no dental cavities, and is very surprised to learn that they have one. Often, this patient is middle-aged or older, brushes and flosses every day, and has no prior history of tooth decay. When this happens, dentists immediately begin to suspect dry mouth caused by new medications or an undiagnosed condition. Dry mouth causes a decrease in saliva production, which is crucial for regulating oral bacteria and keeping the teeth healthy. Below is more information about the causes of dry mouth, and some treatments that can help. Common Causes of Dry ...
  • When To Seek Help from an Apex Emergency Dentist
    Though inconvenient, a dental emergency is not something you want to ignore. However, you should know the difference between a true dental emergency and a situation that can wait at least for the night. Dr. Rylan Hansen and his team at Hansen Dentistry in Apex, NC are here to provide expert emergency dental care should you ever be in need of immediate treatment. Contact us at (919) 363-8444 to schedule an appointment. What Constitutes a Dental Emergency? Often, a tooth will break, chip or crack because you bit something hard, such as ice cubes, an apple or hard candy. Opening chip bags, ...
  • Busting 4 of the Most Common Tooth Brushing Myths with Our Apex Dentist
    Most of us learned how to brush our teeth in Kindergarten—so it’s no wonder we tend to get some things wrong. After all, we haven’t had a proper tooth brushing lesson since we were little kids! Coupled with the fact that tooth brushing best practices have changed over the years, and popular myths that exist about dental hygiene, it’s not surprising that so many people visit our office with cavities and caries, even though they brush every day. Here are some ways you may be brushing your teeth wrong. Myth 1: After brushing your teeth, you should rinse out your mouth ...
  • Signs You Are Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard from Our Dentist in Apex
    Many people believe that plaque is hard to remove, and brush their teeth as hard as they can. However, this can erode your enamel and damage your gum line over time. Here are some signs that you are being too rough on your teeth when you brush. A Frayed Toothbrush If your toothbrush looks flat and damaged, with bristles that are split or frayed out, you are probably brushing too vigorously. You can minimize the damage by purchasing an electric toothbrush with a pressure sensor that lights up or stops if you brush too hard. Some electric toothbrushes also come with ...
  • Apex Dentist Recommends NOT Using Activated Charcoal Toothpaste
    The last time you were browsing Pinterest or Instagram, you might have seen an ad for one of the hippest new health trends: Activated charcoal toothpaste. Made from coal, wood, and other substances, activated charcoal has started popping up as a miracle cure in everything from soap to lotion. But this stuff should never come into contact with your teeth—and here’s why from Dr. Hansen, our Apex NC dentist. What is activated charcoal? Activated charcoal is made primarily from coal and wood, but can also contain other burned things, like coconut shells and bones. It becomes “activated” when high temperatures combine ...
  • What is Xylitol? Ask a General Dentist in Apex NC
    We all know about the negative health effects of sugar, especially when it comes to teeth. Fortunately, artificial sweeteners don’t have the same effect on teeth as sugar, and can help you have a much healthier smile. One artificial sweetener, xylitol, even has positive effects on teeth. Here’s everything you need to know about Xylitol from a dentist in Apex, NC. What is Xylitol? Xylitol is categorized as a sugar alcohol. That means that it combines traits of sugar molecules and alcohol molecules to create a structure very similar to that of sugar. However, Xylitol has much fewer calories, doesn’t raise ...
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