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Invisalign Costs vs. Traditional Braces in Apex

Apex Dentist Dr. Hansen explains how you can align your teeth while being aware of costs, timelines, and care of your Invisalign and traditional braces.

When it comes to comparing orthodontic treatment options such as Invisalign and traditional braces, the aesthetic differences are obvious. For most patients, cost is also a major concern as well as the effectiveness and duration of treatment for each.

So, which treatment do you choose? Do you opt for traditional braces that effectively straighten your teeth or do you choose Invisalign, clear plastic trays that also straighten your teeth effectively — without setting metal detectors off.

Traditional Braces

Traditional braces consist of brackets that are cemented to teeth and are attached to wires and rubber bands. This method is effective and has been around for years. However, because of the stigma that they are only meant for children and teens, adults often choose to put off the decision to align their teeth.

Traditional braces are worn continuously for approximately 1 to 2 years or more. Depending on the complexity of your case and the length of time you need to wear the braces, the cost can range anywhere from $3500 to $6500. With traditional braces, you have regular appointments with their dentist about every 4 weeks for checkups to make necessary adjustments and tighten the wires. Typically, once traditional braces are removed, a retainer (either clear or with a bar) is worn at night only or for both most of the day and at night.

Traditional braces are best for patients who don’t want to have to remember to put something in their mouth or who are likely to forget things– one good reason that they are ideal for children. Also, for patients with more complex issues than general straightening, such as significant changes to their bite, traditional braces would be the best option.


Invisalign trays are created by taking impressions of a patient’s teeth. This takes just a few minutes and creates a model for the aligner trays. The models are sent to the lab where a series of trays are generated that are specific for each patient. The trays are worn for about 22-24 hours per day, for anywhere from 6 to 18 months. The cost for Invisalign can also range dependant upon the complexity of the treatment. For minor corrections, the cost can be as low as $3,500, whereas more significant corrections can cost up to $5000.

The trays are easy to clean, as are teeth during treatment. Rather than having to brush or floss around brackets, the clear trays can simply be removed and patients are able to brush their teeth as easily as they always have. Generally, patients begin wearing a new set of trays every 2 weeks. We typically give patients 3 sets of trays at each appointment, so patients should anticipate a short dental visit approximately every 6 weeks. During such appointments, Dr. Hansen will check on how things are progressing and patients will receive their new series of trays.

The Invisalign retainers will need to be taken out when eating or drinking anything other than water, and patients should ideally brush their teeth before putting retainers back on. After the treatment is done, a retainer is a portion of the day or at night to maintain the new alignment.

Choosing between the traditional braces and Invisalign really comes down to two things, your personal preferences, and your dental treatment needs. Invisalign won’t fix the most complex cases of malalignment, where braces can. But braces are also very noticeable, which is often a deal-breaker for many adults. Invisalign gives you the power to choose.

Dr. Hansen is always happy to answer any questions you may have about either form of treatment. Call 919-363-8444 to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Hansen, during which he can help you figure out which form of orthodontics is the right choice for you.

We offer free Invisalign consultations. Let us help you achieve the smile you have always wanted!

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