The Dangers of Cheap Veneers – Ask an Apex Cosmetic Dentist

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Dental veneers have soared in popularity in recent years as a fast, easy way to correct worn-out or discolored teeth. But with professional veneer treatments costing in the hundreds or thousands, many people opt for a cheap veneer alternative—and end up sincerely regretting their decision. Here’s why you should only get veneers from an experienced, licensed dentist.

Cheap Veneer Alternatives

There are two basic ways to get cheap veneers, both of which are very risky. The first is traveling to a foreign country and having dental work done there. Another common way is purchasing them from an online retailer and applying them at home. In both cases, good results aren’t guaranteed. It takes artistry and skill to make veneers that are the right thickness, length, and color, and what is promised may not always be delivered. Consider what Benjamin Franklin said: “The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten!”

Risk 1: Too Much Enamel is Removed   

To apply veneers, the underlying tooth enamel must be filed down, much in the same way fingernails need to be buffed before artificial nails can be applied. Inexperienced or poorly skilled dentists might grind away too much enamel, preventing the veneers from fully adhering and eventually causing them to fall off. In addition, having over-filed enamel will make biting and chewing very uncomfortable, if not downright painful.

Risk 2: Not Enough Enamel is Removed

Problems can also arise when the dentist doesn’t grind away enough enamel. Since veneers are about as thick as a plastic credit card, they easily can make the teeth look and feel too bulky. Too much thickness can also impede your speech, making it difficult to pronounce words with “m” or “th” sounds. If the veneers extended too far past the natural tooth, they will crack very easily.

Risk 3: The Color Isn’t Right

Quality veneers should not be an opaque white, but translucent, so they reflect light like real teeth. Making veneers the right color and opacity requires some artistry on the part of the laboratory that mixes the porcelain. Overly white veneers can look extremely fake and garish, and can’t be replaced once they have adhered.

Veneers are Not Reversible

Veneers can be redone, and in fact will need to be redone every 10 or 20 years as they weaken or crack. However, since they adhere to your ground-down tooth enamel, they can’t simply be removed if done improperly. That’s why it’s crucial to visit a professional dentist to have veneers. Yes, it is more expensive, but there is nothing more expensive than a job done poorly—especially when it comes to your teeth.

Get Quality Veneers from an Apex Cosmetic Dentist

If you have cracked, chipped, or stained teeth, be sure to visit our Apex cosmetic dentist office for a consultation. It may be that you are qualified for veneers; or it may be the case that another dental solution will work better for you. To schedule an appointment with us, click here.

What are Dental Veneers? Ask an Apex Cosmetic Dentist

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Have you ever wondered if dental veneers could help you achieve the smile you have always dreamed of?  It is important to find an Apex Dentist who can help you understand if you are a good candidate for dental veneers and answer all of your questions.  Here are a few to get you started!

What exactly is a veneer?

Veneers, also known as porcelain veneers or porcelain laminates, are super thin shells of ceramic porcelain which are bonded to the front of teeth.  The procedure is often considered “cosmetic” because there is typically little or no decay present.  The goal is to improve your smile!

Why choose a veneer?

Veneers are an excellent choice of dental treatment in many situations. They can often provide a conservative alternative to dental crowns.  This is because the thin shells only need to cover the tooth enough to change it’s color, size or shape, rather than to remove dental decay.
Veneers are can improve a smile in many different ways, such as
-repair teeth that were chipped and broken from an injury.
-filling gaps between front teeth
-masking a tooth that turned gray after a root-canal procedure.
-masking undesirable defects, such as teeth stained by tetracycline
-masking genetic dental defects, such as peg laterals
-masking discolored fillings in front teeth.
It is important to have an initial consultation with your dentist so that all of your questions can be answered.  It is very important for your Apex Dentist to understand all of your objectives.  Are you trying to close a gap or fix a chipped tooth, or both?  Do you want your veneers to match the current shade of your teeth or do you want to whiten your teeth first and then match your veneers to your new pearly whites?  It is critical that your dentist allows you to be an active participant in planning your new smile.

What happens during the procedure?

First your Apex Dentist will prepare the teeth for veneers by lightly buffing about a half of a millimeter of the outer enamel.  As a result you will likely recieve a local aesthetic. After the teeth are prepared your dentist will take an impression in order for the veneer to be fabricated.  If your dentist has the technology to do a digital impression through the use of CEREC technology, you will be able to receive your new veneers in one appointment. This is because as the veneers can be created in the dental office the same day that the teeth are prepared.  After the veneers are created, the teeth are cleaned with a solution that will allow them to achieve an adequate bond. Then the cement is applied and a light cures (or hardens) the cement, attaching the new veneers!
Maintaining your veneers is easy…just treat them the way you treat the rest of your teeth. Brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are vital to protecting your investment as well as maintaining your overall oral health.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression.  See if dental veneers can help you put your best smile forward!

How Our CEREC Machine Helps Us Give You Same-Day Crowns in Apex!

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If you have ever dreaded the idea of visiting the dentist or have postponed scheduling dental work you knew you needed, you are not alone. Dental procedures have changed for the better, and at Hansen Dentistry in Apex, NC, we blend proven techniques with outstanding customer service.

Would you believe us if we told you that you could receive customized, natural looking crowns or bridges that fit perfectly, in a single office visit? Believe it! Dr. Rylan Hansen and provides custom dental crowns and bridges using the CEREC system: where old school service meets state-of-the-art technology.

What is CEREC?

CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. Like the name suggests, each restoration the system produces is made from ceramic (read: no more metal!).

If you opt for a CEREC crown or bridge, you will not need to endure traditional putty impressions that often cause gagging. Instead, Dr. Hansen will use a 3-D imaging system to gather all the data necessary. You also will not wait days or weeks while a lab technician creates your restoration, then return for a second visit to have the restoration placed. Even better, you won’t need to wear a temporary crown that could come loose and cause embarrassment or hassle.

How does CEREC work?

After imaging your teeth, Dr. Hansen will use CEREC software to design your custom restoration, for a secure fit and balanced bite. He will insert a CEREC Block that matches the shade of teeth surrounding the location of the restoration in your mouth. The CEREC Block will be turned, sculpted, and contoured in the system’s milling unit. This process takes about an hour.

After the dentist provides a local anesthetic to numb the affected area, he will seat the custom-made crown or bridge. Once he determines that your bite is properly aligned with the new restoration, Dr. Hansen will permanently cement it in position. Your CEREC restoration will look and feel totally natural, and it will endure for many years to come.

With same-day service, you will save time and leave your first visit with a restored smile. No metal, no waiting, no fuss. This is certainly not your father’s dentist!

Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC) is changing the way we think about restorative dentistry. CEREC is an effective, affordable service that brings together the customer service and care that patients expect and the high-tech performance and outstanding results they want.

Give CEREC a try.

Ready to give our CEREC same-day service a try? Contact us at (919) 363-8444 to schedule your appointment. Let us answer your questions and explain the details about CEREC.

Dr. Rylan Hansen and our team at Hansen Dentistry proudly serve our patients, listening carefully to all concerns, and providing solutions for great oral health. Learn more about the variety of dental services we offer, including family and pediatric dentistry, along with cosmetic, restorative, and surgical procedures. Our office is located at 800 West Williams Street, Suite 240, in Apex, NC.

How Cosmetic Dentistry Gives You More Confidence, from Our Apex Dentist

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brunette woman hiding smile behind handsIt’s nice to imagine a world where looks aren’t important, but we don’t live there, do we? The truth is, the majority of the population will initially judge us based on our appearance. The first attribute most people notice is the eyes, followed closely by the smile. Crooked, discolored, or missing teeth send the message that a person does not take good care of himself. An unattractive smile also conveys poor health and can make you look older than you are.

Fortunately, we live in the age of cosmetic dentistry, when a visit to Dr. Hansen’s Apex, NC dental office could change your smile and the impression you make.

What They’re Really Thinking

These aren’t just assumptions. They’re facts. The American Association of Cosmetic Dentistry has published polls telling us that with an appealing smile, a person is more likely to be thought of as healthy, confident, wealthy, and friendly. A study by Kelton Research went further to state, after teeth whitening, job applicants were more likely to be hired and receive a higher salary.

Strip the emotional sting of being judged by looks out of the equation, and it makes sense to improve your smile’s appearance if you don’t naturally have an appealing smile.

What is an “attractive smile?”

The traditional attractive smile in the United States has:

  • No missing teeth
  • Straight teeth
  • White teeth
  • Teeth with the traditional tooth shape, no imperfections
  • No chipped or cracked teeth
  • No metal dental work
  • Teeth have natural reflectivity (don’t look dull or fake)
  • Teeth that are proportionate to the facial features
  • Symmetrical teeth, right and left
  • Only a small amount of gum tissue showing above top teeth
  • Healthy gums
  • Fresh breath

How can cosmetic dentistry help?

Correcting your smile’s imperfections is possible with cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Hansen will need to talk with you about what you love and hate about your teeth, and he’ll also conduct a thorough oral health examination. All cosmetic restorations should be build upon a healthy foundation, so they’ll endure the test of time. Oral health is also paramount to overall health, and your health is of utmost importance to us.

Dr. Hansen will suggest the appropriate cosmetic dentistry procedures to brighten, straighten, and correct your teeth. He may also recommend a periodontal (gum tissue) procedure, if appropriate. You will have options. For instance, porcelain veneers can correct the size, shape, alignment, and color of your teeth. However, you may opt for dental bonding instead. Bonding does not last as long as veneers, but it also does not cost as much. However, porcelain veneers cover the entire front surface of a tooth and can look new for many years. Dr. Hansen will inform you of the pros and cons of various treatment options, so you and he can devise a practical treatment plan that will deliver the smile you want.

Schedule a Smile Consultation Today

Are you ready to discuss the potential for your smile? Call our Apex, NC dental office today at 919-363-8444 today. With the Hansen Dentistry Membership Savings Plan, you could save 20% on some cosmetic and restorative procedures.