Apex Oral Surgeon Explains Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Cracked Teeth

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Have you ever had dental pain or discomfort when biting into food or after eating/drinking something that is hot or cold?  This pain or discomfort might not be constant like it is with a cavity, but intermittent.  If so, it is possible you may have a cracked tooth.

There are several reasons that patients develop cracked teeth.  Some situations that can result in fractured teeth are:

  • teeth with large fillings

  • teeth with root canals

  • clenching or grinding teeth

  • chewing ice or other hard foods

  • trauma to the tooth from an accident

  • too much pressure on one tooth as a result of the patient’s occlusion (the way the teeth come together in the mouth)

If the crack in the tooth does not extend further than the enamel, your dentist may not recommend any treatment.   These cracks, known as craze lines, are common in adult teeth.  Think of a teacup with a crack in it but that is still able to hold water without it leaking.

However, if the fracture extends beyond the enamel, it is very important to have the tooth treated. In this situation we have a leaky teacup! It can be difficult for patients to distinguish between the different types of cracks, so it is important to visit your Apex dentist so the fracture can be properly evaluated.  Try to pay attention to exactly where the pain is coming from so that you can tell your dentist.

Molar are more vulnerable to cracks because they absorb most of the impact when chewing food.  Front teeth are more commonly fractured due to trauma.

Your Apex dentist will determine a treatment plan based on the severity of the fracture. Treatment typically includes placing a dental crown on the cracked tooth.  If the fracture effects the pulp chamber a root canal may also be necessary.  If the tooth is split beyond repair, an extraction is likely necessary.  In this situation tooth replacement is possible with implants or bridges.

Postponing treatment can lead to more serious complications such as an infection or a deeper fracture.  That is why it is important not to ignore warning signs or dental pain and sensitivity.  By seeking treatment early, there is a typically better prognosis for the tooth. which also usually results in a lower financial cost of treatment.

What’s the Difference Between Plaque and Tartar? Ask a Dentist in Apex

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WE OFTEN GET THIS QUESTION from our patients, “What’s the difference between plaque and tartar?” Many patients think they are the same thing. However, there is an important difference between the two.  Understanding how they are different can help explain why a daily oral hygiene routine is so crucial, as well as twice-yearly visits to your dentist.

What Is Plaque?

Dental plaque is the soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth and under your gums. It starts forming soon after you finish brushing. In other words, plaque is constantly accumulating on your teeth. And guess what? It contains millions of bacteria! When you eat—especially carbohydrates or sugar—you’re not the only one getting a meal…so are the bacteria on your teeth. After these bacteria dine on sugar, they produce acids that erode your tooth enamel and cause cavities.

That’s why good daily oral hygiene is essential to preventing tooth decay and protecting your smile from the bacteria in plaque. To prevent plaque buildup, remember to brush at least twice a day and floss once a day. Drinking water and chewing sugar-free gum after meals and snacks can also help!

What Is Tartar?

So if that’s plaque, what’s tartar? Tartar is what accumulates on your teeth when plaque is not removed. If plaque is left on your teeth for too long, it will harden into tartar and is much more difficult to remove. In fact, tartar can only be removed by a dental professional–you can’t get rid of it with regular brushing and flossing. Tartar removal is one of the reasons that visiting your dentist every six months is so important!

Plaque buildup that hardens into tartar can cause more than just cavities. It can cause tooth discoloration and sensitivity as well as gum recession and periodontal disease. To reduce plaque buildup and tartar from forming, make sure you are brushing and flossing daily.

Come And See Us Every Six Months

No matter how great your oral hygiene is, plaque and tartar formation are inevitable. So come in to see us every six months! Our job is to help you maintain a beautiful, healthy smile that’s plaque- and tarter-free!

Tips for a Healthy Back to School Smile from a Family Dentist in Apex

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It’s that time of year!  Back to school!!!  The time of year that Moms and Dads are found scratching their heads at Target trying to figure out whether the 3 prong, plastic, 2 pocket folders comes in 5 different colors so they can check it off the school supply list (There is always one item that makes buying the whole list in one trip impossible).  We have been there!

Along with school supply shopping, it is also time to start thinking about what to pack in your child’s lunch.  Among the seemingly endless options there are prepackaged lunches and individual serving sizes of chips and cookies. These foods are usually high in sugar, sodium, and fat and, while easy to grab at the last minute before you miss the bus, do not make the best choices for school lunches.  Sticky foods, such as fruit roll ups and fruit snacks, get stuck in the grooves of your child’s teeth and will likely stay there until they brush later that evening…giving bacteria an abundant supply of sugar.

The good news is that there are other choices that are convenient and far healthier for your child’s teeth and body.

Here are a few ideas the are both convenient and healthy (and please feel free to share your ideas in the comment section below…we believe in the “it takes a village” philosophy).

Cheese- Cheese is actually one of the best foods for your teeth because it neutralizes acids caused by bacteria and contains calcium, which can help the teeth remineralize. Cheese sticks are convenient because they offer single portion servings.

Hard boiled eggs-another healthy and convenient option that provides protein which is helpful for tissue development.

Nuts-especially raw nuts, the rough texture can help clean acid off the teeth and the provide protein.

Vegetable cups- vegetables are much lower in sugar than fruits and also tend to provide more fiber.  Carrots and cucumbers are popular, but try sugar snap peas or sweet bell peppers to keep kids from getting bored as this often makes them crave quick and often unhealthy alternatives.

Water-Opt out of sending juice boxes and sport drinks to school and just send water, which neutralizes the acids in the mouth and cleanses your teeth.

Another important part of helping keep your child’s smile healthy is by keeping them up to date with their dental exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. In 2015, the CDC reported that almost 20% of school age children have untreated dental decay.  Taking your child to visit their Apex Dentist helps keep their teeth healthy and helps them have positive dental experiences from a young age.

If your child is old enough to play sports requiring mouthguards, ask your Apex Dentist if they can provide you with a custom mouthguard.  It is important for your child to protect their teeth by wearing a mouthguard. One thing we know is that a better fitting mouthguard is one your child is more likely to actually wear.

Good luck to all our beautiful kids on their first day back at school, whether its the first day of kindergarten or their senior year of high school.  They grow up so fast, so remember to cherish every moment and every (healthy) smile!

Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Extracted? Ask an Apex Oral Surgeon

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We have found that while many of our patients with wisdom teeth know that they should be extracted, very few of them understand why.

So here you go…A Little Wisdom about Wisdom Teeth.

There are several reasons your Apex Dentist might recommend having your third molars, also known as Wisdom teeth, extracted.   Very few people have adequate space in their dental arch for wisdom teeth.  If you are one of the lucky ones that does have enough room, be sure your toothbrush is reaching all the way back to those teeth, as they are often very difficult to keep clean.  If/when 3rd molars develop cavities (as they often do), it is usually better to put financial resources towards having these teeth extracted rather than filled as they usually only cause more problems down the road.


For patients who do not have enough room in their dental arch, the 3rd molars are often unable to properly erupt, making it difficult or even impossible to keep clean.  The improper eruption can cause a variety of problems including but not limited to, periodontal infections, dental decay, and dental abscesses.

The first radiograph was of a patient for whom Dr. Hansen had to perform an extraction not only the partially erupted  wisdom tooth but the 2nd (more important) molar as well due to the decay caused by the wisdom tooth.


The second radiograph demonstrates another reason that 3rd molars often need to be extracted:  dental abscesses.  This particular abscess was so large that this patient was a risk of her lower jaw breaking. The radiograph also demonstrates the importance of routine dental check ups, as this patient did not have any pain associated with the dental abscess.   She literally would not have ever known that it was there except that she was consistent with her dental examinations, including dental radiographs.

Understanding dental problems that can arise from  wisdom teeth is important so patients are able to take necessary steps to seek treatment. Typically, your Apex dentist will recommend having wisdom extracted between ages 15 and 25 because healing and recovery is much easier for younger patients.

If only our wisdom teeth made us all-knowing and wise…that would make for a good case in keeping them!

Everything You Need to Know About Dental Sealants from a Family Dentist in Apex

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What is a dental sealant?  

A sealant is a tooth-colored resin material that is placed on chewing surfaces of teeth to help them stay cavity-free.


Why do teeth need sealants?

Molar and premolar teeth often have very deep pits and fissures.  While bacteria can easily enters these groves, toothbrush bristles are often too large and therefore ineffective.  As a result, these areas become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria to multiply which can lead to dental decay. A sealant does just what its name suggests…it seals off the grooves so that bacteria can’t enter.  After a sealant is placed these areas can no longer harbor bacteria and your tooth brushing once again becomes effective.


What teeth need sealants? 

Any teeth that have deep groves or pits can benefit from sealants.  These are most often found on molar and premolar (teeth right in front of the molars) permanent teeth, but varies from one individual to another.  One person might benefit from sealants on all molars and premolars (16 teeth), while another may only need their molars (8 teeth) sealed.

Once a tooth has a dental filling in it, it no longer benefits from a sealant.

People often think that only children benefit from sealants.  That is because sealants are typically placed on a child’s molars when they first erupt.  The reality is that any teeth with deep pits and fissures (that do not already have fillings) can benefit from sealants because they  will help prevent future cavities.

How is a sealant applied?

No tooth structure is removed in order to place a sealant.  Instead it is kind of like painting your fingernails: resin material is only added, nothing is taken away.  The tooth is thoroughly cleaned with a pumice and etch.  The tooth is then washed thoroughly. Finally, the sealant material is applied and then cured with a light in order to harden it.

before-after-sealantHow long do sealants lasts?

Sealants typically last two to five years.  Although, it is not uncommon to see sealants in adults that were placed in childhood and are still intact.

Avoiding sticky, chewy, and hard foods can potentially prolong the life of a sealant.

If a sealant is no longer fully intact then it is no longer effective and should be replaced by your dentist.  If it has been less than two years since the sealant was placed, ask if your Apex family dentist offers a warranty for sealants.

Our Apex Dentist Explains The Importance of Replacing Missing Teeth

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Everyday we see patients that have missing teeth. Sometimes they are teeth that have been recently extracted.  Other times they have been missing for years.  The reasons for why the teeth are missing vary.  But the answers about why to replace them are usually the same.  So we wanted to share these answers with you!

In the US, about 70% of the population is missing one or more teeth.  Tooth loss can lead to reduced self confidence because of gaps in a person’s smile.  Unfortunately, effects on physical appearance are not the only result.


Teeth are lost or missing for several reasons such as trauma, decay, periodontal disease, or even genetics.  It is important to replace missing teeth because when a tooth is missing there is no contact with the opposing arch.  This can cause opposing teeth to gradually extrude which leads to other problem, such as fractures, mobility, tooth loss, shifting in surrounding teeth, and gum problems.

There is more than one option available to patients for replacing missing teeth.  Like most choices, each option has pros and cons.  The 3 most common options are replacing the missing teeth with implants, crowns and bridges or dentures. Sometimes a combination of two of these options can be used, such as a denture that is supported by implants, or a bridge that is supported by implants.  We will cover more about what the pros and cons of each of these treatments are in upcoming blog posts.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, so whenever possible try to avoid loosing the tooth in the first place.  The financial cost of saving a tooth with a crown or even a crown and a root canal is substantially less than the cost of an implant and crown or a bridge.  Not to mention that by saving one tooth, you are also helping keep the surrounding ones healthy as well.

The loss of a tooth is not always preventable, such as in the case of trauma or when a tooth is congenitally missing.  But no matter the cause, it is important to understand the effects of missing teeth so that you can take the necessary steps to prevent further problems. Your Apex dentist can answer questions you have about what treatment best fits your needs and your smile.  And check back here when we explain more about each treatment in the upcoming weeks!

Our Dentist in Apex Shares FAQs Regarding Dental Sealants

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What are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are thin coatings that are made out of plastic. They are placed over the teeth in order to prevent them from decaying. They help keep the food particles and germs out of the grooves of the teeth. Sealants are considered preventative dentistry.

Are Sealants 100 Percent Effective?

Some studies have shown that sealants can be 100 percent effective. The tooth will be protected as long as the sealant remains in place.

Can you see Sealants?

Sealants are clear and white. That is why they can only be seen up close.

How Long do the Sealants Last?

The sealants can potentially last for several years. In some cases, sealants can last over 10 years.

Are Sealants Expensive?

Sealants are affordable. Because they can prevent tooth decay, they can also help you save money on dental care. Your general dentist will discuss the cost of sealants.

Will my Teeth Look Different?

One may feel the sealants on their teeth. However, because the sealants are thin, they do not cause discomfort.

Who Needs Sealants?

The best candidates for sealants are children because their permanent teeth have just come in. However, older patients may also benefit from getting sealants. If your general dentist believes that you are at a higher risk for getting tooth decay, then you may need to get sealants.

Will I Still Need Fluoride Treatments?

Fluoride treatments are still needed. It helps strengthen your enamel and provides additional protection from tooth decay.

Why do I Need Sealants?

Decay can cause permanent damage to your teeth. Sealants help you save time and money by protecting your teeth. It is also important to remember that a filling is not an easy fix for a cavity. A tooth gets weaker every time that it is drilled.

If you are interested in getting sealants, then you will need to contact our dentist office.

The Need to Know Detail About Cosmetic Dentistry

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What is a cosmetic dentist?

A cosmetic dentist is one who improves the appearance of a smile. There are a number of ways to do this, ranging from simple bleaching to minor surgery. Many cosmetic dentistry techniques can certainly be performed at a local dentist office. The amount of time, discomfort, and expense involved depends upon the procedure.

Cosmetic surgery can be broken down into two types. The first type improves upon the natural appearance of the smile by changing the color or shape of the teeth. The second type improves the overall appearance of the smile by improving tooth and bite health. This may or may not affect the color or shape of the teeth.

Examples of the first type of cosmetic dentistry include:

  • whitening
  • bonding
  • veneers
  • crowns


Teeth whitening is the simplest and least expensive of all the cosmetic procedures. It offers no oral health benefits. Whitening can be done at home, but a professional visit offers more rapid and uniform results. The whitening application has to be repeated in order to maintain a whiter smile. The frequency of this procedure depends on the patient’s tooth care habits and lifestyle.


Dental bonding involves the application of a resin to teeth to fill gaps, cracks, and pits and give the smile a more uniform appearance. Bonding has the added benefit of preventing wear of teeth and exposing their roots. Bonding resin generally has to be reapplied every several years.


Dental veneers are custom made plastic or porcelain shells that can change a tooth’s shape or color. This type of cosmetic dentistry generally requires a couple of visits. Depending on the material used and the habits of the patient, veneers can last anywhere from one to several decades.


Dental crowns are used for everything from altering the color or shape of a tooth to protecting a broken one to connecting dental work. Materials used in making crowns range from porcelain to metal. Crown work generally takes several visits and is among the most expensive of cosmetic dental procedures.

Cosmetic surgery that improves bite health includes:

  • braces
  • bridges
  • implants

Using wiring and brackets, braces are used to reposition and realign teeth. They may remain on teeth anywhere from several months to several years. Bridges are artificial teeth. They are affixed to prepared teeth and are worn with a crown or crowns. Only a dentist can remove a bridge. Implants are also artificial teeth, but they can be affixed to dentures and removed. Both of these procedures are not inexpensive and require more than one visit to the dentist. But if bridges and implants are cared for properly, they can last a long time.

Other cosmetic dentistry procedures include correcting uneven gum lines and abnormally sized teeth, and fixing indentations to the jawbone. Because of all the options afforded with cosmetic surgery, individuals are advised to contact their local dentist office for information and help in perfecting and protecting their smile.

Is the Teeth Whitening Process Safe for Me and My Family?

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One question that you may have for your cosmetic dentist in Apex is whether or not teeth whitening is safe for you and your family members. You may be wondering if the components that the dentist uses for teeth whitening solutions are harmful. It is normal for a person to be concerned about a procedure that involves chemicals. However, you can rest assured that you will be able to undergo the whitening process and still have your health intact.

Why You May Want teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening is a very common procedure in the dental world. Millions of people have their teeth whitened, including celebrities. The procedure has a multitude of benefits to it such as the ability to boost self-confidence and encourage smiles of joy. The reason for teeth whitening varies, but one of the most common reasons is to eliminate tea, coffee and nicotine stains. The chemicals that the dentist uses for a teeth whitening procedure vary depending on the patient’s desire. The practitioner covers the options during the consultation.

Examples of Teeth Whitening Solutions
Your dentist can offer you at least two types of solutions. The at-home treatment is the less expensive solution. This solution includes a tray that the lab makes for you. You wear the tray over your teeth for a certain amount of time each night, and the peroxide mixture bleaches the teeth. The in-office treatment is a longer lasting procedure, but it also costs way more money than the other procedure costs. The dentist is likely to use a chemical that contains varies elements for the in-office procedure. The bleaching products that the dentist uses for either method most likely has the ADA seal of approval, which means that they are safe for you to use. Many of these concoctions contain only 10 percent carbon peroxide. Perhaps the harshest reaction you may have to the bleaching agents is tooth sensitivity or mouth irritation.

Feel free to schedule an appointment with our dentist and have a consultation about the teeth whitening procedures that interest you. Our office has been serving local residents for many years. We would love to help to meet your needs. Call on the phone or complete an online request.

Restore Your Dental Health with Bridges

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Bad teeth are not wanted by anyone. Poor dental health leads to a poor smile and poor self-esteem. It is not all about looks when you have trouble speaking and eating, too. No matter how bad your teeth are, get the missing ones fixed with the use of dental bridges. Bridgework is a major form of restorative dentistry that you should know about.

The Purpose of Bridges

First, know the main purpose of getting dental bridges in the first place. The bridges are prostheses that replace the large spaces caused by missing teeth. There are several reasons why people use this procedure:

  • Serious accidents that affect the teeth
    • Falls
    • Drug use
    • Poor hygiene
    • Medications

Some people knock out their teeth in car wrecks or serious falls. Other people just have bad eating habits that cause them to get tooth infections and lose their natural parts.

Drug use is another reason why people lose their teeth. Some drugs are worse than others at rotting out the teeth completely. Certain medications are not good for dental hygiene.

The false teeth are attached to metal bridges that are attached to your natural teeth. As a result, your own teeth become fuller, so your smile looks straighter and more attractive. The bridge procedure allows you to reshape your teeth and have an even line across.

The Procedure

You cannot complete a dental bridge procedure in a single day. You have to visit the dentist multiple times for checkups. It is a serious operation, so you need anesthesia within the mouth. After you come out of anesthesia, you should be able to continue your days as usual.

The Importance of Professionalism

Restorative dentistry is an important field similar to plastic surgery. Bridgework should only be practiced by an experienced dentist.

A good dentist has to analyze your teeth and the inside of your mouth and then find the best fitting prosthesis. In the end, if you work with a qualified professional, you get comfortable bridges that are attractive and long lasting.

Everyone has dental problems here and there, but some people get involved in accidents that require the use of bridges. You cannot use any kind of dentist to install your bridges. You need an experienced dentist to initiate the process and provide the most desirable results. You are encouraged to contact a qualified dental specialist at our office today.